My Cups Runneth Over. A Lot.

With the number of kids running through my house at an all time high, (I can safely say it will never get higher 'cause this uterus is DONE) I needed to do something about the "I just need a sip of water" cup.  Which then becomes "Oh, I forgot my cup was just three inches away from me, I better get out two more." I was loading an entire top rack of the dishwasher with kid cups and my wine glass. (I keep one all day long. But that is a post for another day. :) ) "Ma-ommmmm - I just need a sip of … [Read more...]

Drunken Strawberries

Who doesn't enjoy a chocolate dipped strawberry?  And sure anyone can buy those, but why not spice it up for a little Valentine's fun! Here is a quick and easy way to have a little fun with very little effort! Supplies: Fresh Strawberries Your favorite dipping chocolate (Chocolate chips, candy melts or Dolci frutta) Bottle of Vodka (I have tried whipped cream and chocolate flavored vodka as the flavors take a little out of the alcohol bite.)   Instructions: First, rinse … [Read more...]

Craft Closet: Ideas are Springing!

My favorite thing about Winter is when it's OVER!! Don't get me wrong, there is so much about the season that I enjoy - but the moment I can shed all the layers and come out of hibernation, I'm bustin' out of that hole! Not to make too much of it, but it's kind of where I'm at with this Cloffice project. I know a beautiful space is hiding under all the layers of stuff, I just need the mess to melt away.When I sent Teri (from Closet Works ) a link to my new Cloffice posts, she sent me the very … [Read more...]

Kissing Mickey & Minnie Shoes-See also customizing your Chucks, and vinyl layering

It's Mickey Monday again! So, you ever make something, and it turns out JUST how you envisioned it in your head, and you're all, "I AM A GOLDEN GODDESS OF CRAFTINESS JUST BOW BEFORE ME AND WEEP THAT YOU ARE NOT ME!!!"......or is that just me? No? ok, then where was I? Oh, so yeah, we're headed to The Most Magical Place On Earth very, very soon. Since the average person clocks 6-12 miles a day there, I figured Imma need some comfy shoes....enter my perfectly broken in signature footwear...Chucks. … [Read more...]

Craft Closet: A journey of a thousand miles begins with Step One!

So, a few days after posting last week's introduction of my Cloffice, I had a bit of a freak out. I said to myself "now I actually have to get my act together!"  And my husband told me "Bold move." But honestly it was the kick in the pants to get going and set up something that truly brings joy and happiness to my life. I had all these grand plans to really dig in there and get all the stuff out of the closet and organize to my heart's content. Instead, I had to dig out my garage after we … [Read more...]

That’s MY ride!-Disney Stroller ID cards

It's Mickey Monday people! So, maybe you aren't bringing 22 people, and four strollers to Disney World, maybe you're just bringing one... either way, you're going to want to have some way to set your stroller apart from the bazillion other strollers at The Happiest Place on Earth. Here's a little inspiration for you. I made these by grabbing some images off the ol' internet, tracing them in my Silhouette software, and then layering cardstock. I made them sturdy by giving them a few passes … [Read more...]