
With what feels like a sprint from Halloween to Christmas, I often feel the real meaning of Thanksgiving is lost. As the host for our family Thanksgiving this year, appropriately now referred to as #Turkeypalooza, I want to help everyone to stop and take pause. grat·i·tude - ˈɡradəˌt(y)o͞od/ noun 1. the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Over the years I have heard different ideas for how people share what makes them feel grateful. Time … [Read more...]

No-Sew Native American Tunic in a Hurry!

Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite holidays because it's typically filled with family, friends, food and napping. After planning and preparing the dinner, there typically aren't any extra tasks that are required to celebrate the holiday. This year, however, I got a request out of left field that threw me into a Turkey Day tizzy.  My son volunteered to be in the Thanksgiving play. In my head, I thought they'd pass out pilgrim hats or feather head bands and call it a day. I already had 2 … [Read more...]