R.I.P Olaf — A Christmas Break Kid Craft

No, this isn't an anti-Frozen post, but who doesn't love to build a snowman.  The challenge here in Chicago is we haven't really had any real snow. So, I decided we could certainly at least celebrate with melted snowmen! I saw this clever idea for a melted snowman ornament on Pinterest and of course had to give it a try first at home and then as a room parent at school. It's quick and easy with very little clean-up! Do you want to build a snowman, a melted snowman that … [Read more...]

December Birthday Fun!

Kids December birthdays are hard! First, let's hope I don't forget it.  And second, it's hard to make it special with all the hoopla going around for Christmas. Earlier this week, my first born son turned 9!!! How is that even possible!?! In order to try and make it special, we created a couple family birthday traditions: 1. He always gets a special message from our elf on the shelf, Buddy. This year Buddy took full advantage of a banner to share his birthday sentiments and hung it right … [Read more...]

Dress up those “Gift Cards”…

It is the most wonderful time of the year…for everyone but the people who make it happen! That’s right, I am talking about the pack mules, the photographers, the cooks, the cleaners, the Christmas spirit bringers…the MOMS (and some dads…just not in my house) And with all the trimmings and the trappings and the gifting and the gabbing, comes teacher gifts. You know, the people who give my children some knowledge and me the most glorious 6.25 hours a day alone, 180 days a year. With five … [Read more...]

7 Christmas traditions my family does every year that you can totally steal.

So, I come from a very large family, and my very large family likes to do Christmas LARGE.  Here's a list of a few of our traditions. feel free to steal or riff on any of them: We make Lefse This one comes from my mother's Norwegian Grama. Lefse, say it with me lef-SUH, is a very thin tortilla like thing made from potatoes, flour, and lard. To eat it, you spread butter and sugar on it, fold it up and gain weight. Making lefse is a process, and a mess, so my mom usually picks a day, and … [Read more...]

The Anywhere Dress-A pattern review

  Holy crap you guys, WHERE did November go? Did you ever have one of those months where you just look around and go, "Did I nap or something?"...Yeah, that was November. So, here it is, my pattern review for November on December 2nd. So this month, I decided on The Anywhere Dress from Go To Patterns (affiliate link) This has to be one of the easiest dresses I have ever made. Ever. Like almost easier than a pillow case dress. It's true to size and according to G, very comfy. As I … [Read more...]