First? Can I say a something to you new parents planning your little anklebiter’s first birthday? YAY YOU! You made it through the first year….I’d like to say the next years will be a breeze, but that would be a big friggin lie. Now, I’m sure you feel all this Pinterest-y pressure to throw a huge, perfect celebration with everybody and their brother invited. You know what I say? EFF THAT NOISE.
Seriously, your kid is not going to care if you have 4 people or 400 at his first big day….actually…I would bet cash money he will throw a colossal spaz if you invite 400 people…where was I? Oh yeah, my point is…keep it small, keep it simple. I get that you’re super excited to finally throw a kid party….I love throwing kid parties….but how about, for this first one? You just dip your big toe into the roiling waters that are kid parties?
If not, whatever, just don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Ok, so on to the Dragon Party….I chose a dragon theme because our son’s baptism name is Michael…named after the dragon slaying Archangel Michael…..and dragons are cool…..I decided on a small brunch because that’s the time my boy is happiest, and brunch food is super easy. Scroll down for pics from the party.
Did you know any food you serve can be “on theme” if you give it a jazzy name?
Dragon facepainting as favors for the kids instead of a bag of cheap plastic crap and candy.
ok, I had a plan for favors, but I forgot.
Decorations: a quick banner I made with a Silhouette (font is American Captain from Dafont) and a sewing machine and some streamers.
Here’s another look at the banner
and the dragon cake…ok, the cake? was not simple. But, I like making cool cakes, and I found a tutorial on Family Fun Magazine that looked easy enough. I made a few changes: Marshmallows for the claws and fangs, my daughter added sprinkles, no starburst “flames”, and I made the scales from the same candy melts as the wings. (Ps? they’re not kidding when they say make a few extra wings…those suckers are fragile!)
For recipes, tutorials, and inspiration(and to see what I cut in the name of simple and easy), check out my pinboard.
Drinking: COFFEE!
Listening to: Mickey’s Mix ( a bunch of songs I put together a year ago for his birth)
Limiting your guests gives them a much better opportunity to spend time with the birthday boy and after-party clean-up is a breeze.