Derby Party Win!

Thank you for some of the fun ideas and all the encouragement as I planned our Derby Party.  After sharing so many of the pre-party projects along the way, I wanted to also share some of the party updates.  I might be biased but I think the party decor was fun and festive. In addition to the vinyl horses and tissue pom horseshoe wreath you might have seen on Instagram, we also added paper lanterns and some circle garland from the Paper Lantern Store.  Once again,  3M command hooks saved the day … [Read more...]

Kentucky Derby Fun for the Colts and Fillies – Kid fun!

With the Race for the Roses just days away, we thought we would share a few of the party tricks we are lining up for our festivities this Saturday.  Hippity Hop Horse Race - How cute are these horses?! I contemplated a stick horse race but came across these fun Race Horse Hippity Hops on sale at and couldn't resist. I love that they look dressed for a jockey to join at any minute! My plan is to have the kiddos name their race horse and pick a number. Maybe even pick … [Read more...]

The Pop-Up Party!

More often that not it seems that as our age increases, the enthusiasm or effort around birthday celebrations decrease.   I know in my circle of friends and family we tend to use a birthday as an excuse to go out for celebratory food and drinks -- YUM. But I am going to show you that it doesn’t mean you can’t get a little crafty and add some flair for extra fun! It was KerPop’s birthday and we thought we would surprise her with a little family outing. As any busy mother of three does on a … [Read more...]

Drunken Strawberries

Who doesn't enjoy a chocolate dipped strawberry?  And sure anyone can buy those, but why not spice it up for a little Valentine's fun! Here is a quick and easy way to have a little fun with very little effort! Supplies: Fresh Strawberries Your favorite dipping chocolate (Chocolate chips, candy melts or Dolci frutta) Bottle of Vodka (I have tried whipped cream and chocolate flavored vodka as the flavors take a little out of the alcohol bite.)   Instructions: First, rinse … [Read more...]

Sunday Funday – Superbowl Snacks!

It’s Superbowl weekend and I am sure folks are going crazy in Seattle and Boston - right FinPop? Here in Chicago, the game is not anywhere near as exciting without our beloved Bears. However, Chicagoans never miss an excuse for a party, or an excuse for some great party food. Those that know me, know that there is always a reason to get excited about the food that comes along with watching those can’t miss commercials. Our annual Superbowl party hosts have put our party on hold until 2016 (Da … [Read more...]

AARGGH – The Invasion of the USB Cords!

If your household is anything like mine, you are challenged in managing the cord craziness of our electronic age. “Mom, I can’t find my charger and my Kindle is going to die. You HAVE to help me!” There are phone charging cords, iPad, Kindle, PlayStation, Laptop, and Gameboy charging cords to name a few, but then multiply by that by 3 kids and 2 adults and you will see where I am coming from. But to be honest, it’s not just the unsightly mess that is so frustrating. I am tired of hearing the … [Read more...]

Packing Up Christmas

It’s that time of year where we wrestle the Christmas tree down, tangle up the lights for next year and pack up the ornaments. The Christmas holidays are officially over. This year, I was pretty timely in my clean up and  have only found a few holiday stowaway pine needles throughout the house. I am not sure how they even got into the bathroom!? However, I am left with one gorgeous pile of Christmas cards and as you may know -- I love PHOTOS. So, each year I save the photo cards and create … [Read more...]

Kid Craft: Hungry Bookmarks

Looking for a fun way to adorn the gift of a book? Or maybe you are looking for a fun craft to do with the kids? The corner bookmark is the answer! The possibilities are endless on how to decorate them and you already have all the supplies you need at home. Supplies Needed: Cardstock paper of any color or pattern. Scissors Glue Stick or paper adhesive of your choice (Optional) any art supplies your little ones enjoy working with like, crayons, googly eyes, glitter, markers, … [Read more...]

Free Christmas Thank You Cards Printables

Being thankful shouldn't only be for Thanksgiving.  I know in today's digital age text messages reign supreme, but I am still a fan of the old-fashioned, snail mail, Thank You Card. If you think about it, who doesn't love mail? and it's even better when it's the double-bonus of a sweet sentiment instead of a bill!? While I  know this might seem like an overwhelming task for kids, the importance of understanding why we take the time to show our appreciation far outweighs the fear it may be … [Read more...]

Winter Birthday Treats

The Christmas break birthday is both a blessing and a curse for us parents. While the kids have mixed feelings about the return to school tomorrow, the fun of getting to bring their birthday treats did make tonight's back to school preparations a bit more fun. A couple days ago, we started talking about what they wanted to bring to share with the classroom and one thing was clear... they are my children! I believe the conversation went something like this: Me: I have this idea for some fun … [Read more...]