So I have this guilty pleasure (one of many, in fact). I LOVE to leaf through design magazines, HOUZZ and Pinterest and dream of the day I have that blissful space that is just mine all mine. In fact, I set out to do that very thing when we remodeled our basement in our cozy but SMALL 100 year old city house - which brings you to my Craft/Office/Closet - the Cloffice! We had a 5 x 7 ft walk in "room" or closet built into the plan and I had the amazing Teri from Closet Works come in and … [Read more...]
AARGGH – The Invasion of the USB Cords!
If your household is anything like mine, you are challenged in managing the cord craziness of our electronic age. “Mom, I can’t find my charger and my Kindle is going to die. You HAVE to help me!” There are phone charging cords, iPad, Kindle, PlayStation, Laptop, and Gameboy charging cords to name a few, but then multiply by that by 3 kids and 2 adults and you will see where I am coming from. But to be honest, it’s not just the unsightly mess that is so frustrating. I am tired of hearing the … [Read more...]
Kids Say the Darndest Things
When I had my first child, it was easy to remember all of the adorable things she said and did. As first time parents, each was not only etched in my mind, but was chronicled in photo and baby book journaling. However, the minute the second pregnancy was on board, all bets were off and "Mommy Brain" was in full effect. We do not remember the days, we remember the moments - unknown I knew I wanted to try to remember these sweet moments, so I bought a journal for each of my kids and started … [Read more...]
Packing Up Christmas
It’s that time of year where we wrestle the Christmas tree down, tangle up the lights for next year and pack up the ornaments. The Christmas holidays are officially over. This year, I was pretty timely in my clean up and have only found a few holiday stowaway pine needles throughout the house. I am not sure how they even got into the bathroom!? However, I am left with one gorgeous pile of Christmas cards and as you may know -- I love PHOTOS. So, each year I save the photo cards and create … [Read more...]
Free Christmas Thank You Cards Printables
Being thankful shouldn't only be for Thanksgiving. I know in today's digital age text messages reign supreme, but I am still a fan of the old-fashioned, snail mail, Thank You Card. If you think about it, who doesn't love mail? and it's even better when it's the double-bonus of a sweet sentiment instead of a bill!? While I know this might seem like an overwhelming task for kids, the importance of understanding why we take the time to show our appreciation far outweighs the fear it may be … [Read more...]
Elf on what shelf?
It's 10 -- Day 10 that is. Do you know where your elf is? The creative Elf on the Shelf photos are filling my facebook and instagram feeds and sadly, I feel that I am already running out of steam. So I must confess the other night I took the easy way out and repeated a hiding spot from previous years. Sure enough my shorties found the elf rather quickly but what happened next seems to have re-energized our entire crew, including me! I listened as all three giggled recounting stories of … [Read more...]