My Cups Runneth Over. A Lot.

With the number of kids running through my house at an all time high, (I can safely say it will never get higher 'cause this uterus is DONE) I needed to do something about the "I just need a sip of water" cup.  Which then becomes "Oh, I forgot my cup was just three inches away from me, I better get out two more." I was loading an entire top rack of the dishwasher with kid cups and my wine glass. (I keep one all day long. But that is a post for another day. :) ) "Ma-ommmmm - I just need a sip of … [Read more...]

Drunken Strawberries

Who doesn't enjoy a chocolate dipped strawberry?  And sure anyone can buy those, but why not spice it up for a little Valentine's fun! Here is a quick and easy way to have a little fun with very little effort! Supplies: Fresh Strawberries Your favorite dipping chocolate (Chocolate chips, candy melts or Dolci frutta) Bottle of Vodka (I have tried whipped cream and chocolate flavored vodka as the flavors take a little out of the alcohol bite.)   Instructions: First, rinse … [Read more...]

Craft Closet: Ideas are Springing!

My favorite thing about Winter is when it's OVER!! Don't get me wrong, there is so much about the season that I enjoy - but the moment I can shed all the layers and come out of hibernation, I'm bustin' out of that hole! Not to make too much of it, but it's kind of where I'm at with this Cloffice project. I know a beautiful space is hiding under all the layers of stuff, I just need the mess to melt away.When I sent Teri (from Closet Works ) a link to my new Cloffice posts, she sent me the very … [Read more...]

Kissing Mickey & Minnie Shoes-See also customizing your Chucks, and vinyl layering

It's Mickey Monday again! So, you ever make something, and it turns out JUST how you envisioned it in your head, and you're all, "I AM A GOLDEN GODDESS OF CRAFTINESS JUST BOW BEFORE ME AND WEEP THAT YOU ARE NOT ME!!!"......or is that just me? No? ok, then where was I? Oh, so yeah, we're headed to The Most Magical Place On Earth very, very soon. Since the average person clocks 6-12 miles a day there, I figured Imma need some comfy shoes....enter my perfectly broken in signature footwear...Chucks. … [Read more...]

Sunday Funday – Superbowl Snacks!

It’s Superbowl weekend and I am sure folks are going crazy in Seattle and Boston - right FinPop? Here in Chicago, the game is not anywhere near as exciting without our beloved Bears. However, Chicagoans never miss an excuse for a party, or an excuse for some great party food. Those that know me, know that there is always a reason to get excited about the food that comes along with watching those can’t miss commercials. Our annual Superbowl party hosts have put our party on hold until 2016 (Da … [Read more...]

Craft Closet: Turning the Reality into the Dream

So I have this guilty pleasure (one of many, in fact). I LOVE to leaf through design magazines, HOUZZ and Pinterest and dream of the day I have that blissful space that is just mine all mine. In fact, I set out to do that very thing when we remodeled our basement in our cozy but SMALL 100 year old city house - which brings you to my Craft/Office/Closet - the Cloffice! We had a 5 x 7 ft walk in "room" or closet built into the plan and I had the amazing Teri from Closet Works  come in and … [Read more...]

AARGGH – The Invasion of the USB Cords!

If your household is anything like mine, you are challenged in managing the cord craziness of our electronic age. “Mom, I can’t find my charger and my Kindle is going to die. You HAVE to help me!” There are phone charging cords, iPad, Kindle, PlayStation, Laptop, and Gameboy charging cords to name a few, but then multiply by that by 3 kids and 2 adults and you will see where I am coming from. But to be honest, it’s not just the unsightly mess that is so frustrating. I am tired of hearing the … [Read more...]

Packing Up Christmas

It’s that time of year where we wrestle the Christmas tree down, tangle up the lights for next year and pack up the ornaments. The Christmas holidays are officially over. This year, I was pretty timely in my clean up and  have only found a few holiday stowaway pine needles throughout the house. I am not sure how they even got into the bathroom!? However, I am left with one gorgeous pile of Christmas cards and as you may know -- I love PHOTOS. So, each year I save the photo cards and create … [Read more...]

Merry Christmas…

The ScrapPop team wishes you all a very Merry Christmas. Over the next two weeks, we are taking a little time off to focus on our families and hope you are able to find some time to do the same. We look forward to getting to know you all a bit better in the new year as we officially launch and hope that you check back with us in January to see how the PopStars kept themselves busy over the Holidays. May 2015 bring you all that you hope for and many crafty opportunities to share! … [Read more...]

Being Thankful…

As we approach Thanksgiving and the launch of the Christmas holiday season, it is far too easy to get caught up in the preparation hustle and bustle and forget what made these holidays so special to us as kids. The real meaning of the Holiday can easily be lost when we focus on all the work instead of why we are gathering together. Think back to your childhood Thanksgiving memories, remember how we were thankful just to be out of school, at home with our families while we counted down the … [Read more...]